Gefapixant Impurity 3

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight338.39
Molecular FormulaC13H18N6O3S

What is the molecular weight of Gefapixant Impurity 3?

The molecular weight of Gefapixant Impurity 3 is 338.39.

What is the molecular formula of Gefapixant Impurity 3?

The molecular formula of Gefapixant Impurity 3 is C13H18N6O3S.

What is the relationship of Gefapixant Impurity 3 to the drug Gefapixant?

Gefapixant Impurity 3 is an impurity related to the drug Gefapixant.

How does Gefapixant Impurity 3 affect the purity of Gefapixant?

Gefapixant Impurity 3 can affect the purity of Gefapixant by being present as an impurity in the drug substance.

Is Gefapixant Impurity 3 harmful for health?

Gefapixant Impurity 3 may be harmful for health if present in high concentrations in the drug product.

What are some methods used to detect Gefapixant Impurity 3 in pharmaceutical products?

Methods such as chromatography and spectroscopy can be used to detect Gefapixant Impurity 3 in pharmaceutical products.

Are there regulations pertaining to the allowable levels of Gefapixant Impurity 3 in pharmaceuticals?

Yes, there may be regulations or guidelines specifying the allowable levels of Gefapixant Impurity 3 in pharmaceuticals.

How does Gefapixant Impurity 3 impact the shelf life of Gefapixant products?

Gefapixant Impurity 3 can impact the shelf life of Gefapixant products by contributing to degradation over time.

Can Gefapixant Impurity 3 be removed completely from Gefapixant products?

It may be difficult to completely remove Gefapixant Impurity 3 from Gefapixant products due to its chemical properties.

What steps can be taken to minimize the presence of Gefapixant Impurity 3 in Gefapixant products?

Proper purification processes and quality control measures can be implemented to minimize the presence of Gefapixant Impurity 3 in Gefapixant products.

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