Synthesis of Deuterium-Labeled Zaleplon-d5


Zaleplon is a pyrazolopyrimidine sedative-hypnotic agent licensed for the short-term treatment of insomnia. Due to its potential for abuse and addiction, zaleplon is classified as a controlled substance in some countries. Accurate analysis and identification of zaleplon in drug abuse cases requires the use of isotopically labeled internal standards, such as zaleplon-d5.

Here, we present the synthesis of deuterium-labeled zaleplon-d5, which can serve as an internal standard for the GC-MS analysis of zaleplon.

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Synthesis of Zaleplon-d5 by Scheme 1

Our first route to zaleplon-d5 shown in Scheme 1.

Unfortunately, the yield of zaleplon-d5 obtained was negligible. Various alternative conditions were tried, but the maximum yield obtained was only 20%. The purification of zaleplon-d5 was also problematic, as zaleplon-d5 could not be successfully crystallized and was difficult to elute from a silica gel column. Therefore, this route was abandoned.

Fig.1 Scheme 1 for the synthesis of zaleplon-d5

Synthesis of Zaleplon-d5 by Scheme 2

Fig.2 Scheme 2 for the synthesis of zaleplon-d5

In conclusion, this work provides an elegant route to zaleplon-d5, an internal standard for zaleplon analysis. This synthesis paves the way for the quantitative detection of zaleplon in drug abusers.


  1. Shaikh, A. C., & Chen, C. Synthesis of deuterium-labeled zaleplon-d5 as an internal standard. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals: The Official Journal of the International Isotope Society. 2008, 51(1), 72-76.
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