Hydrocarbons CRMs for Chromatography
Hydrocarbons are compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms, mainly including alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons have been widely used in many fields because of their excellent physical and chemical properties. On the one hand, the type and content of hydrocarbons in products are closely related to product quality and safety. On the other hand, because of the abuse of hydrocarbons, the damage of hydrocarbon pollution to the environment is more and more prominent. Therefore, it is necessary to use hydrocarbon CRMs to detect and analyze hydrocarbon in virtue of chromatography methods. Hydrocarbon CRMs are a kind of reference material with the characteristics of high purity. Unlike other reference materials, each hydrocarbon CRM has a certificate attached to it. The certificate shall contain all basic information about the use of the hydrocarbon CRM. In addition, another major feature of the hydrocarbon CRMs is their traceability. Commonly used hydrocarbon CRMs include hexabromocyclododecane CRM, tetradecane CRM, dodecane CRM and others.
Application fields
Analysis of hydrocarbons in coatings: Coating is an essential substance in daily life and industrial production and the type and composition of the contained hydrocarbons have a great relationship with the safety of coatings. Chromatography is an effective method to detect hydrocarbons in coatings and hydrocarbon CRMs are required during chromatographic analysis. For example, hexabromocyclododecane is a commonly used brominated flame retardant in coatings, and using hexabromocyclododecane CRM, hexabromocyclododecane can be accurately detected by gas chromatography.
Analysis of hydrocarbons in drugs: The type and content of volatile components in some drugs can indicate the safety of the drugs, and hydrocarbon CRMs are important internal standards in the detection of these volatile components. For example, the volatile components of golden throat lozenges can be analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the process of detection, tetradecane CRM is used as internal standard solution, which provides a basis for the quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Analysis of hydrocarbons in packaging materials: Packaging materials, especially food packaging materials, are closely related to the quality and safety of human life. However, the residual hydrocarbon components in packaging materials may migrate to food and cause harm to the health of organisms. The use of hydrocarbon CRMs can effectively and accurately determine hydrocarbons. For example, the quantitative and qualitative analysis of tetradecane in paper packaging materials can be achieved by gas chromatography with the use of standard solution of tetradecane CRM.
Others: In addition to the mentioned fields, hydrocarbon CRMs also have important applications in other fields. Hydrocarbon CRMs can be used to detect trace hydrocarbon contaminants in soil. Moreover, isoflurone in adhesives can also be tested with hydrocarbon CRMs. In addition, free isocyanate monomers in polyurethane can also be measured by chromatographic methods with hydrocarbon CRMs.
Why choose Alfa Chemistry?
Alfa Chemistry is one of the largest providers of hydrocarbons CRMs for chromatography in the world and the quality assurance is of prime importance to Alfa Chemistry. The solvent from Alfa Chemistry in the world is synonymous with reliability and excellent quality. Because of the exacting nature of our business and the regulatory demands placed upon our industry, Alfa Chemistry continues to be at the forefront in terms of compliance, accreditations and certifications.
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