May-Grunwald's Stain

May-Grunwald Stain


May-Grunwald's Stain

  • Product code: ACMBS-15
  • Specifications: 500mL (Box)
  • Intended use: Intended for staining of blood smears, bone marrow smear, vaginal secretions and exfoliated cells smear
  • Store temperature: 5℃~30℃
  • Expiry date: 24 Months

More Details

PrincipleMain componentsSample requirementTest procedureResult interpretationPrecautions


May-Grunwald's stain process of staining cells, are the dye penetration into the object and stays in, this process has both a physical adsorption and chemical affinity. A variety of cells and cell components due to its chemical nature, to May-Grunwald's stain in the acid dyes (eosin) and alkaline dyes (methylene blue) affinities are not the same. Therefore, after specimen smear stained by May-Grunwald, cells take on a different color, to achieve the urpose of identifying its morphological characteristics.

Main components

  • Methanol, May-Grunwald's dye.

Sample requirement

  • 1. Blood smears staining: Requires fresh whole blood or EDTA (2K) anticoagulant.
  • 2. Vaginal secretions (gynecology leucorrhea) smear staining: Fresh specimens smear after leaving the body, necessary to flame or ethyl alcohol fixed as soon as possible in order to avoid deformation of cells.
  • 3. Bone marrow smear staining: After the smear made, should be quickly shaken dry in the air or fans. To prevent cell shrinkage deformation or hemolysis due to humid air, can't use high temperatures or grilled.
  • 4. Exfoliated cells smear staining: Sampling and smear, smear fixed natural drying methods that are available, or wet smear liquid fixed method (specific actions according to different specimens, and the different fixed solution used, the specification requires). Under normal circumstances the use wet smear fixed method, specimen's immersion time is slightly longer, and the effect would be more effective. If uses the wet smear liquid fixed specimens, the fixed solution needs regular filter or change after use, to prevent cells cross contamination.

Test procedure

May-Grunwald's single staining

  • 1. Dropping May-Grunwald's solution (about 0.5ml~0.8ml) on the smear, and let it covers the entire specimen for 3 minutes.
  • 2. Add 1ml Phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) drop in May-Grunwald's solution above (double volume for May-Grunwald's solution), use rubber suction bulb to blew out the breeze causes the liquid to produce ripples, make them fully mixed, blood smear staining for 6 minutes.
  • 3. Flushing (not pour off the staining solution should be flushing by running water, prevent the sediment deposited on samples), then dry and microscopic examination.

May-Grunwald's -Giemsa, compound staining

  • Working solution preparation
  • May-Grunwald's working solution ratio =May-Grunwald's solution: Phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) = 1:1
  • Giemsa working solution ratio = Giemsa solution: Phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) = 1:9
  • Procedure
  • 1. Dried blood smear and fixed with methanol for 1~3 minutes.
  • 2. Immerse the smear in May-Grunwald's working solution 3~5 minutes.
  • 3. Immerse the smear in Giemsa working solution 15~20 minutes.
  • 4. Water flush, dry and microscopic examination.

Result interpretation

  • Blood smears and bone marrow smear staining of cells: Red blood cells appear pink. White blood cell cytoplasm appears clearly granules, and shows a variety of cell-specific colors. Nuclei stained fuchsia, nuclear chromatin structure clearly.
  • Vaginal secretions (gynecology leucorrhea) stain:
  • ① Trichomonas: After staining, trichomonas appear completely different morphology compare to live trichomonas, under normal circumstances, cannot see the flagellum. After dyeing, trichomonas can be pear-shaped, round, oval or irregular patterns, cytoplasm was stained grey blue or sky blue, the nuclear is small, jujube nuclear shape, often biased side, notice the observation, avoiding confusion with the epithelial cells.

    ② Candidiasis (fungal): stained deep blue, visible blastopores, pseudo hyphae slender and straight.

    ③ White blood cells: same as the white blood cells morphology in blood smears. General the amount of white blood cells, suggesting that the level of the degree of inflammation, as indicators on the physician's diagnosis.

    ④ Cilia bacteria: thin as silk, grey-blue.

    ⑤ Gonococcus: blue, was typical kidney-shaped, mostly in the white blood cells and tissue cells both inside and outside. It should be noted the female vaginal smears often appear staphylococcus the staining results was similar with gonococcus. Also, a pair and a pair of diplococci way appear, so the interpretation of gonococcus need to be very cautious. The interpretation of the staining on gonococcal reference only as checked in early results, not as a basis to confirm.

    ⑥ Gardnerella vaginalis: blue, club-shaped. Exfoliated cells staining: cell nuclei stained fuchsia, the nucleoli stained blue. Cytoplasm with the differentiation program's different, their Basophilic also changes, varying shades of blue.


  • 1. Read the instruction manual carefully before use, use within the validity period, and do personal hygiene protection.
  • 2. After use, dispose the wastes according to the requirements of the hospital or environmental protection department.
  • 3. The production date, production batch number and expiration date on the package.

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