

Titration method: also known as volumetric analysis, drop the standard solution with known accurate concentration into the tested solution (or drop the tested solution into the standard solution) until the added standard solution reacts with the tested substance quantitatively according to the stoichiometric relationship, then the volume consumed by the standard solution is measured, and the content of the substance to be measured is calculated according to the concentration and volume of the standard solution.

Indicators are a type of chemical reagents used to indicate the end point of titration. Under certain medium conditions, its color can change, produce turbidity or precipitation, and have fluorescence phenomenon and so on. Indicators are often used to test the acidity and basicity of the solution; to indicate the end point of titration in titration analysis; and to detect harmful substances in environmental testing. Indicators are generally divided into acid-base indicators, redox indicators, metal indicators, adsorption indicators, etc. In various titration processes, with the addition of the titrant, the concentration of the titrated substance and the titrant are constantly changing, and the ion concentration will change greatly near the equivalent point. The reagent that can show the change of ion concentration (such as changing the color of the solution, forming precipitation, etc.) is called indicator.

Alfa Chemistry's Titration Product Line

Alfa Chemistry's titration product line includes 3S reagents for volumetric titration, indicators, karl fischer reagents and standards. You can quickly find the materials you need by searching for keywords such as product name and CAS number.

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