Rapid Stain For Female Leukorrhea

Rapid Stain For Female Leukorrhea
Rapid Stain For Female Leukorrhea


Rapid Stain For Female Leukorrhea

  • Product code: ACMBS-19
  • Specifications: 4x20mL, 4x100mL (Box)
  • Intended use: Used for rapid staining of gynecological leucorrhea smear
  • Store temperature: 5℃~30℃
  • Expiry date: 24 Months

More Details

PrincipleMain componentsSample requirementTest procedureExpected resultsPrecautions


Rapid Stain for Female Leukorrhea take shorter time in staining, the staining morphology is clearer, high detection rates, and usually get the result in 2 minutes.

This kit is the improved one of the Romanowsky Stain techniques. It includes acid dye (Eosin) and alkaline dye (Methylene blue). For different cells, the affinity to the acid and alkaline dyes are varies. Thus, different cells will exhibit different colors after staining, then make its shape and characteristics identifiable.

Main components

Reagent compositionMain ingredient
1. Solution AEosin
2. Solution BMethylene blue
3. Phosphate buffer powderPhosphate

Sample requirement

  • Fresh specimens' smear after leaving the body should be fixed by flame or 95% ethanol as soon as possible in order to avoid deformation of cells.

Test procedure

Drip method:

  • 1. After smear drying, add a few drops of Solution A to cover the entire specimen. Stain for 20~30 seconds.
  • 2. Throw off the Solution A.
  • 3. Add a few drops of Solution B to cover the entire specimen for 30 seconds~1 minute.
  • 4. After drying, examine the smear under a microscope.

Dip method:

  • Buffer Preparation: Dissolve 1 pack of phosphate buffer powder into 1000 ml distilled water.
  • 1. After smear drying, dip the smear into Solution A for 20~30 seconds.
  • 2. Rinse Solution A on the smear with Phosphate Buffer in a jar, dry.
  • 3. Dip the smear into Solution B for 30 seconds~1 minute.
  • 4. After drying, examine the smear under a microscope.

Expected results

WBC are stained purple-red, the cytoplasmic granules are clear, and the color of each cell is unique, RBC are reddish, various bacteria, fungi, and trichomoniasis stained in different shades of blue.

  • 1. Trichomonas: After staining, most trichomonas appears as pyriform, round, elliptic or other irregular forms. The cytoplasm is stained bice or cerulean, and the small nucleus often lies in one side. It should be observed carefully to separate from epithelia.
  • 2. Candidiasis (mold): Stain into dark blue, spores, pseudohyphae slender and straight.
  • 3. Leukocyte: In shape, it is the same with blood cell smears. The number of leukocytes corresponds to inflammation severity and is a reference for diagnosis.
  • 4. Ciliate: Slender as silk, gray-blue.
  • 5. Gonococcus: Blue, typical kidney-shaped, mostly occur both inside and outside of leukocyte and histiocyte. Note those staphylococci are often present in women's vaginal smears, and similar to gonococcus, in the form of paired diplococcus. Evaluate gonococcus carefully to avoid misdiagnosis. Gonococci are generally accompanied by many leukocytes. Used for pre-screening but not for final diagnosis.
  • 6. Gardnerella vaginalis: Blue and short rod shape.
  • 7. Heterogeneous nuclear cells and Malignant cells: The difference between heterogeneous nuclear cells, Malignant cells and normal cells lies in ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm. This kit is intended as a pre-screening tool for nuclear and cancer cells. The final result must be confirmed by the Papanicolaou stain and interpreted by qualified analyst and/or pathological doctors.


  • 1. When the phosphate buffer used up, you can prepare the phosphate buffer (pH6.6) by yourself.
  • 2. The kit storage, try to avoid high and low temperature environment and direct sunlight.
  • 3. At lower room temperature in winter, extend the staining time as needed.
  • 4. This product should be used by professionals and interpretation of the results.
  • 5. Should carefully read the instruction manual before using. Can only be used before expiration date, and good personal hygiene protection.
  • 6. After use, disposal of waste should comply with the hospital or the environmental protection department requirements.
  • 7. The production date, production lot number and expiry date, see the packaging.


1. Gradwohl's Clinical Laboratory Methods And Diagnosis,8th, ed.

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