N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight178.29
Molecular FormulaC12H10D5N

What is the product name of CAS 1217977-04-2?

The product name is N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5.

What is the molecular weight of N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5?

The molecular weight is 178.29.

What is the molecular formula of N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5?

The molecular formula is C12H10D5N.

Is N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 a type of selegiline?

Yes, it is a type of selegiline.

How many deuterium atoms are present in N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5?

There are five deuterium atoms present in N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5.

What is the role of N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 in pharmacology?

N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 is often used as a reference standard or internal standard in analytical testing.

How is N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 typically synthesized?

N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 can be synthesized through various chemical reactions involving deuterium-labeled starting materials.

Are there any potential side effects associated with N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5?

As N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 is primarily used as a reference standard, there are no known side effects associated with its use.

In what form is N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 commonly available for purchase?

N-DesMethyl Selegiline-D5 is typically available as a pure powder for laboratory use.

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