Thioctic Acid Impurity 2

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight284.86
Molecular FormulaC10H21ClN2OS2

What is the molecular weight of Thioctic Acid Impurity 2?

Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 has a molecular weight of 284.86.

What is the molecular formula of Thioctic Acid Impurity 2?

The molecular formula for Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 is C10H21ClN2OS2.

What is the specific name of the impurity in Thioctic Acid?

The specific name of the impurity in Thioctic Acid is Thioctic Acid Impurity 2.

How is Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 represented chemically?

Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 is represented chemically by the molecular formula C10H21ClN2OS2.

What are the elements present in Thioctic Acid Impurity 2?

Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 contains carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.

Is Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 a major or minor impurity in Thioctic Acid?

Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 is a minor impurity in Thioctic Acid.

What is the significance of identifying Thioctic Acid Impurity 2?

Identifying Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 is important for quality control and ensuring the purity of Thioctic Acid.

How can Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 affect the properties of Thioctic Acid?

Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 can affect the stability and efficacy of Thioctic Acid if present in high concentrations.

Are there specific tests or methods to detect Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 in Thioctic Acid samples?

Yes, there are specific analytical methods and tests available to detect and quantify Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 in Thioctic Acid samples.

What measures can be taken to minimize the presence of Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 in Thioctic Acid formulations?

Strict quality control measures, purification processes, and analytical testing can be implemented to minimize the presence of Thioctic Acid Impurity 2 in Thioctic Acid formulations.

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