Vitamin K2 Impurity 3

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight202.17
Molecular FormulaC11H6O4

What is the product name of CAS 20962-84-9?

The product name is Vitamin K2 Impurity 3.

What is the molecular weight of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3?

The molecular weight is 202.17.

What is the molecular formula of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3?

The molecular formula is C11H6O4.

How is Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 categorized as an impurity?

Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 is categorized as an impurity based on its molecular structure.

What are the characteristics of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 that make it an impurity?

The molecular structure and composition of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 classify it as an impurity.

Is Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 a common impurity found in supplements?

It is possible for Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 to be present as an impurity in certain supplements.

What implications does the presence of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 have on product quality?

The presence of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 may affect the purity and quality of the product.

How can the detection and quantification of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 be useful in quality control measures?

Detecting and quantifying Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 can help ensure that product quality meets standards and regulations.

Are there specific guidelines or limits for the presence of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 in products?

Regulatory bodies may have guidelines or limits on the acceptable level of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 in products.

What steps can manufacturers take to minimize the presence of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 in their products?

Manufacturers can implement rigorous quality control measures and processes to minimize the presence of Vitamin K2 Impurity 3 in their products.

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