Vonoprazan Impuirty121

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight208.19
Molecular FormulaC11H9FO3

What is the molecular weight of Vonoprazan Impurity121?

The molecular weight of Vonoprazan Impurity121 is 208.19.

What is the molecular formula of Vonoprazan Impurity121?

The molecular formula of Vonoprazan Impurity121 is C11H9FO3.

Is Vonoprazan Impurity121 a pure substance or a impurity?

Vonoprazan Impurity121 is an impurity.

How is Vonoprazan Impurity121 related to the compound Vonoprazan?

Vonoprazan Impurity121 is likely a related compound or impurity of the drug Vonoprazan.

How is Vonoprazan Impurity121 typically detected or identified in pharmaceutical products?

Vonoprazan Impurity121 is likely detected or identified through analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectroscopy.

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