Dapoxetine impurity 34

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight179.26
Molecular FormulaC11H17NO

What is the molecular weight of Dapoxetine impurity 34?

The molecular weight of Dapoxetine impurity 34 is 179.26.

What is the CAS number for Dapoxetine impurity 34?

The CAS number for Dapoxetine impurity 34 is 82769-75-3.

What are the synonyms for Dapoxetine impurity 34?

One of the synonyms is (S)-3-(dimethylamino)-3-phenylpropan-1-ol.

What is the molecular formula of Dapoxetine impurity 34?

The molecular formula of Dapoxetine impurity 34 is C11H17NO.

What is the chemical structure of Dapoxetine impurity 34?

The chemical structure of Dapoxetine impurity 34 is (S)-3-(dimethylamino)-3-phenylpropan-1-ol.

How does Dapoxetine impurity 34 compare to the main ingredient Dapoxetine?

Dapoxetine impurity 34 is a impurity of Dapoxetine, which means it is a byproduct or contaminant in the production of Dapoxetine.

Can Dapoxetine impurity 34 affect the efficacy of Dapoxetine?

It is possible that Dapoxetine impurity 34 can affect the efficacy of Dapoxetine if present in high concentrations.

How is Dapoxetine impurity 34 identified in pharmaceutical products?

Dapoxetine impurity 34 can be identified through various analytical techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy.

Is Dapoxetine impurity 34 commonly found in Dapoxetine medications?

Dapoxetine impurity 34 may be found in trace amounts in Dapoxetine medications, but efforts are made to minimize its presence.

What are the potential risks associated with the presence of Dapoxetine impurity 34 in pharmaceutical products?

The potential risks associated with the presence of Dapoxetine impurity 34 in pharmaceutical products include reduced efficacy, potential side effects, and regulatory concerns.

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