Pyridoxine Impurity 47

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight197.23
Molecular FormulaC10H15NO3

What is the product name of CAS 53580-89-5?

The product name is Pyridoxine Impurity 47.

What is the molecular weight of Pyridoxine Impurity 47?

The molecular weight is 197.23.

What is the molecular formula of Pyridoxine Impurity 47?

The molecular formula is C10H15NO3.

Is Pyridoxine Impurity 47 a pure substance or an impurity?

It is an impurity.

What is the role of Pyridoxine Impurity 47 in chemical reactions or processes?

It may affect the quality or purity of the desired compound or product.

How is Pyridoxine Impurity 47 synthesized or produced?

The synthesis or production of Pyridoxine Impurity 47 may vary depending on the specific process or manufacturer.

Are there any known properties or characteristics of Pyridoxine Impurity 47?

Specific properties or characteristics may be determined through Further research or testing.

How is Pyridoxine Impurity 47 typically isolated or identified in a chemical sample?

It may be isolated or identified using analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectroscopy.

What are the potential risks or hazards associated with Pyridoxine Impurity 47?

The risks or hazards may depend on the specific nature of the impurity and its interactions with other substances.

Are there any regulations or guidelines regarding the presence of Pyridoxine Impurity 47 in certain products or industries?

Regulations or guidelines may exist depending on the intended use or application of the product containing Pyridoxine Impurity 47.

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