Genetic and Chemical Analysis of a Key Biosynthetic Step for Soyasapogenol A, an Aglycone of Group A Saponins That Influence Soymilk Flavor

Yoshitake Takada, Hiroko Sasama, Takashi Sayama, Akio Kikuchi, Shin Kato, Masao Ishimoto, Chigen Tsukamoto

Theor Appl Genet. 2013 Mar;126(3):721-31.

PMID: 23229125


Although certain saponins in soybean seeds have been reported to have health benefits, group A acetyl saponins cause undesirable bitter and astringent tastes in soy products. Therefore, reduction or elimination of group A saponins is an important target for soybean breeders. A wide survey of cultivated and wild soybean germplasm identified a mutant line that lacked group A saponins. The absence of soyasapogenol A, a group A saponin aglycone, is controlled by a single recessive allele, sg-5 that mapped genetically near the SSR marker, Satt117, on soybean chromosome 15 (linkage group E). The locus is epistatic to Sg-1, which controls the terminal sugar variation on the C-22 sugar chain of soyasapogenol A, and allelic differences at this locus lead to changes in the amount of DDMP saponins and their derivatives group B and E products. These findings provide a new insight into the biosynthetic pathway of soybean saponins, and identify a genetic approach that can be applied to improve the quality of foods produced from soybean.

Chemicals Related in the Paper:

Catalog Number Product Name Structure CAS Number Price
AP508010 Soyasapogenol A Soyasapogenol A 508-01-0 Price