Separation and Preconcentration of Sudan Blue II Using Membrane Filtration and UV-Visible Spectrophotometric Determination in River Water and Industrial Wastewater Samples

Yunus Emre Unsal, Mustafa Tuzen, Mustafa Soylak

J AOAC Int. Jan-Feb 2015;98(1):213-7.

PMID: 25857900


A new separation and preconcentration method based on adsorption on a cellulose acetate membrane filter and elution with ethanol was established for the UV-Vis spectrophotometric determination of Sudan blue II. Various analytical parameters such as pH of working media, flow rates of solutions, and sample volumes were optimized. Matrix effects of concomitants were investigated for the quantitative recovery values of Sudan blue II. The preconcentration factor was 200. LOD was calculated as 0.96 μg/L. RSD was 5.1%. The optimized procedure was applied to the spectrophotometric determination of Sudan blue II in river and industrial wastewater samples from oil and dye products.

Chemicals Related in the Paper:

Catalog Number Product Name Structure CAS Number Price
AP17354142 Sudan Blue II Sudan Blue II 17354-14-2 Price