[The Evidence of Biogenic Amines With Reinecke-salt as a New Principle of Evidence of Substances in the Ultrahistochemistry (Author's Transl)]

R Krause, H Hahn von Dorsche, P Fehrmann, R Sulzmann

Acta Histochem. 1975;54(1):153-60.

PMID: 813480


Reinecke-salt (ammonium tetracyanato diamine chromate) is known as amine precipitating reagens in applied chemistry. Its amine precipitates can be demonstrated in electron micrographes. The amine reineckates are unable to diffuse and difficult to dissolve. Depending from that they are localized in the cells. From our findings received in the boundary layer between adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla, we conclude that there are no non-specific precipitations with other cell components caused by Reinecke-salt. It could be determined that the catecholamines are accumulated in the cells of the adrenal medulla in granular shape in a typical manner. In the adrenal medulla cells of Acomys cahirinus first investigated by us we found amine containing vesicles with a diameter of 200 to 250 nm. In the neighbouring cells of the adrenal cortex no precipitates were visable. In the adrenal cortex we noticed the mitochondria from the tubulus typ specific for this region. The assumption that Reinecke-salt is a specific amine precipitating substance able of forming localized amin precipitates was confirmed by these investigations. So the Reineck-salt precipitation of biogenic amines is a new method beside the known ones for the ultrahistochemical amine demonstration. In our method the precipitation of amines by Reinecke-salt is the first step followed later by the tissue fixation with glutaraldehyde.

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