Abametapir Impurity 24

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight169.23
Molecular FormulaC12H11N

What is the name of the product?

Abametapir Impurity 24.

What is the CAS number of Abametapir Impurity 24?

The CAS number is 4467-06-5.

What is the molecular weight of Abametapir Impurity 24?

The molecular weight is 169.23.

What is the molecular formula of Abametapir Impurity 24?

The molecular formula is C12H11N.

How is Abametapir Impurity 24 different from the main product, Abametapir?

Abametapir Impurity 24 is an impurity of Abametapir, meaning it is a byproduct or contaminant in the production process.

How is Abametapir Impurity 24 typically identified or quantified in products or samples?

Analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectroscopy are commonly used to identify and quantify impurities like Abametapir Impurity 24.

Are there regulations or limits regarding the presence of Abametapir Impurity 24 in commercial products?

Regulations would depend on the specific industry or product, and it is advisable to check with relevant authorities for any restrictions.

What steps can be taken to minimize the presence of Abametapir Impurity 24 in products?

Stringent quality control measures and monitoring of the production process can help minimize the presence of impurities like Abametapir Impurity 24 in products.

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