Acotiamide Impurity 7

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight270.39
Molecular FormulaC12H22N4OS

What is the product name of CAS 206882-15-7?

The product name is Acotiamide Impurity 7.

What is the molecular weight of Acotiamide Impurity 7?

The molecular weight is 270.39.

What is the molecular formula of Acotiamide Impurity 7?

The molecular formula is C12H22N4OS.

What is the synonym for Acotiamide Impurity 7?

The synonym is 2-amino-N-(2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl)thiazole-4-carboxamide.

What is the chemical structure of Acotiamide Impurity 7?

The chemical structure consists of a thiazole ring connected to a carboxamide group, with an amine and diisopropylamino side chain.

What is the significance of Acotiamide Impurity 7?

Acotiamide Impurity 7 is a compound related to the drug Acotiamide and is possibly an impurity formed during the synthesis process.

How is Acotiamide Impurity 7 used in pharmaceutical research?

Acotiamide Impurity 7 may be used as a reference standard or in studies related to impurity profiling in drug synthesis.

What properties make Acotiamide Impurity 7 suitable for use in pharmaceutical research?

Its chemical structure and molecular weight make it useful for identifying and characterizing impurities in drug substances.

How can Acotiamide Impurity 7 be identified and quantified in pharmaceutical samples?

It can be detected and quantified using analytical techniques such as HPLC, mass spectrometry, and NMR.

What precautions should be taken when handling Acotiamide Impurity 7 in a laboratory setting?

Proper safety measures should be followed, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and working in a well-ventilated area to avoid exposure to the compound.

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