Adamantane Impurity B

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight180.29
Molecular FormulaC12H20O

What is the product name of CAS 707-37-9?

The product name is Adamantane Impurity B.

What is the molecular weight of Adamantane Impurity B?

The molecular weight is 180.29.

What is the molecular formula of Adamantane Impurity B?

The molecular formula is C12H20O.

Are there any synonyms for Adamantane Impurity B?

Yes, a synonym for Adamantane Impurity B is (1r,3R,5S,7r)-3,5-dimethyladamantan-1-ol.

What is the chemical structure of Adamantane Impurity B?

The chemical structure is a carbon ring with three methyl groups and one hydroxyl group.

What type of compound is Adamantane Impurity B?

Adamantane Impurity B is a compound with a rigid, adamantine structure.

How is Adamantane Impurity B commonly used?

Adamantane Impurity B is commonly used as an impurity reference standard in chemical analysis.

What is the role of Adamantane Impurity B in the pharmaceutical industry?

Adamantane Impurity B is used in the pharmaceutical industry to help ensure the quality and purity of drug products.

What are some methods for detecting traces of Adamantane Impurity B in a sample?

Methods such as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) can be used to detect trace amounts of Adamantane Impurity B.

Why is it important to accurately identify and quantify Adamantane Impurity B in a sample?

Accurate identification and quantification of Adamantane Impurity B is important for ensuring product quality, safety, and efficacy in various industries, including pharmaceuticals.

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