Alectinib Impurity 6

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight283.16
Molecular FormulaC13H15BrO2

What is the product name of CAS 1256578-99-0?

The product name is Alectinib Impurity 6.

What are the synonyms for Alectinib Impurity 6?

One of the synonyms is 6-bromo-7-methoxy-1,1-dimethyl-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-2(1H)-one.

What is the molecular weight of Alectinib Impurity 6?

The molecular weight is 283.16.

What is the molecular formula of Alectinib Impurity 6?

The molecular formula is C13H15BrO2.

How many hydrogen atoms are present in the molecular formula of Alectinib Impurity 6?

There are 15 hydrogen atoms.

What is the chemical structure of Alectinib Impurity 6?

The chemical structure is 6-bromo-7-methoxy-1,1-dimethyl-3,4-dihydronaphthalen-2(1H)-one.

Why is Alectinib Impurity 6 considered an impurity?

It is considered an impurity in the context of alectinib because it is not the desired active ingredient but ra- Ther a related compound present in the manufacturing process.

How are impurities like Alectinib Impurity 6 typically removed from a final product?

Impurities are typically removed through purification processes like chromatography or recrystallization.

Is Alectinib Impurity 6 toxic or harmful in any way?

The toxicity or harmfulness of Alectinib Impurity 6 would depend on the specific compound and its effects, which would need to be assessed through Further testing.

What role does Alectinib Impurity 6 play in the development and production of alectinib?

Alectinib Impurity 6 is a byproduct or intermediate in the synthesis of alectinib and needs to be monitored and controlled to ensure the purity and quality of the final product.

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