Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight335.67
Molecular FormulaC13H20BrClN2O

What is the molecular weight of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl?

The molecular weight of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl is 335.67.

What is the molecular formula of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl?

The molecular formula of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl is C13H20BrClN2O.

What is the chemical structure of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl?

The chemical structure of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl consists of 13 carbon atoms, 20 hydrogen atoms, 1 bromine atom, 1 chlorine atom, 2 nitrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom.

How is Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl used in pharmaceuticals?

Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl is used as a reference standard in pharmaceutical analysis to identify and quantify impurities.

What analytical techniques can be used to detect Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl in pharmaceutical products?

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) are commonly used analytical techniques to detect Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl in pharmaceutical products.

Is Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl a common impurity found in pharmaceutical drugs?

Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl is a specific impurity that may be present in certain pharmaceutical formulations, and its detection and quantification is important for quality control.

What are the potential health risks associated with Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl in pharmaceutical products?

The presence of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl in pharmaceutical products may lead to potential side effects or reduced efficacy of the drug, therefore accurate analysis and control of impurities is crucial.

How can Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl be synthesized in the laboratory?

Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl can be synthesized by using appropriate starting materials and reaction conditions under controlled laboratory settings.

Are there regulatory guidelines for the acceptable levels of Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl in pharmaceutical products?

Regulatory bodies such as the FDA may have specific guidelines for the acceptable levels of impurities like Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl in pharmaceutical products to ensure safety and efficacy.

What are some other related impurities that may be present in pharmaceutical products along with Ambroxol Impurity 27 HCl?

Related impurities such as Ambroxol Impurity 1, Ambroxol Impurity 2, and Ambroxol Impurity 3 may also be present in pharmaceutical products and require analysis and control during manufacturing.

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