Amoxicillin Impurity 1

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight194.23
Molecular FormulaC10H14N2O2

What is the molecular weight of Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

The molecular weight of Amoxicillin Impurity 1 is 194.23.

What is the molecular formula of Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

The molecular formula of Amoxicillin Impurity 1 is C10H14N2O2.

What are some synonyms for Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

A synonym for Amoxicillin Impurity 1 is (R)-2-amino-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-N,N-dimethylacetamide.

What is the chemical structure of Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

The chemical structure of Amoxicillin Impurity 1 is C10H14N2O2.

What functional groups are present in the molecular formula of Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

The functional groups present in Amoxicillin Impurity 1 are- Amino, hydroxyl, and dimethylacetamide.

How many nitrogen atoms are present in the molecular formula of Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

Amoxicillin Impurity 1 contains two nitrogen atoms.

What is the significance of having the hydroxyphenyl group in the molecular structure of Amoxicillin Impurity 1?

The hydroxyphenyl group in the molecular structure of Amoxicillin Impurity 1 may contribute to its chemical properties and potential reactivity.

How does Amoxicillin Impurity 1 differ from the active pharmaceutical ingredient, Amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin Impurity 1 is a related compound or impurity of Amoxicillin, but it is not the active pharmaceutical ingredient itself.

Can Amoxicillin Impurity 1 affect the efficacy or safety of Amoxicillin products?

Depending on the concentration and nature of Amoxicillin Impurity 1, it may potentially affect the efficacy or safety of Amoxicillin products.

How is Amoxicillin Impurity 1 detected and controlled in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Amoxicillin Impurity 1 is typically monitored and controlled through quality control measures, such as analytical testing and purification methods, during pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.

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