3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Synonyms3-(N-phenylsulfamoyl)benzoic acid
Molecular Weight277.29
Molecular FormulaC13H11NO4S

What is the product name of CAS 1576-45-0?

The product name is 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid.

What is an other name for 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid?

An other name for it is 3-(N-phenylsulfamoyl)benzoic acid.

What is the molecular weight of 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid?

The molecular weight is 277.29.

What is the molecular formula of 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid?

The molecular formula is C13H11NO4S.

What is the chemical structure of 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid?

The chemical structure contains a benzene ring with a carboxylic acid group and an anilinosulfonyl group attached.

How is 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid commonly abbreviated?

It is commonly abbreviated as 3-ASBCA.

What is the role of the anilinosulfonyl group in 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid?

The anilinosulfonyl group provides specific functional properties to the compound.

What type of reactions can be expected with 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid?

It may undergo reactions involving the carboxylic acid group or the anilinosulfonyl group.

How is 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid commonly used in research or industry?

It is commonly used as a building block in organic synthesis or as a chemical intermediate.

What other properties or characteristics of 3-(Anilinosulfonyl)benzenecarboxylic Acid should be considered before use?

It is important to consider its solubility, stability, and potential reactivity with other chemicals.

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