Benzocaine Impurity 2

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight264.08
Molecular FormulaC10H9Cl2O4

What is the molecular weight of Benzocaine Impurity 2?

The molecular weight of Benzocaine Impurity 2 is 264.08.

What is the molecular formula of Benzocaine Impurity 2?

The molecular formula of Benzocaine Impurity 2 is C10H9Cl2O4.

How is Benzocaine Impurity 2 different from pure Benzocaine?

Benzocaine Impurity 2 is a specific impurity found in Benzocaine, which may affect its purity and overall composition.

What are the potential effects of Benzocaine Impurity 2 on the quality of Benzocaine products?

Benzocaine Impurity 2 may impact the overall quality and purity of Benzocaine products, potentially leading to variations in performance and efficacy.

Is Benzocaine Impurity 2 harmful to health?

The specific health effects of Benzocaine Impurity 2 would depend on its concentration and presence in Benzocaine products.

How is Benzocaine Impurity 2 detected in Benzocaine products?

Benzocaine Impurity 2 can be detected through various analytical techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy.

What steps can be taken to reduce the presence of Benzocaine Impurity 2 in Benzocaine products?

Quality control measures and strict manufacturing processes can help minimize the presence of Benzocaine Impurity 2 in Benzocaine products.

Are there regulatory limits on the presence of Benzocaine Impurity 2 in Benzocaine products?

Regulatory bodies may set limits on impurities like Benzocaine Impurity 2 in pharmaceutical products to ensure consumer safety and quality standards.

Can Benzocaine Impurity 2 be removed from Benzocaine products through purification processes?

Purification processes may help reduce the levels of Benzocaine Impurity 2 in Benzocaine products, but complete removal may be challenging.

What precautions should be taken when handling Benzocaine containing Benzocaine Impurity 2?

Proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures should be followed to minimize exposure to Benzocaine Impurity 2 and ensure safety.

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