Cangrelor Impurity 10

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight353.38
Molecular FormulaC11H14F3N5OS2

What is the name of the product with CAS number 2351938-00-4?

The product name is Cangrelor Impurity 10.

What is the molecular weight of Cangrelor Impurity 10?

The molecular weight of Cangrelor Impurity 10 is 353.38.

What is the molecular formula of Cangrelor Impurity 10?

The molecular formula of Cangrelor Impurity 10 is C11H14F3N5OS2.

What is the chemical structure of Cangrelor Impurity 10?

The chemical structure of Cangrelor Impurity 10 is composed of carbon, hydrogen, fluorine, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms.

What is the significance of the CAS number 2351938-00-4 for Cangrelor Impurity 10?

The CAS number is a unique identifier for chemical substances, used to track and identify specific compounds like Cangrelor Impurity 10.

How many fluorine atoms are present in the molecular formula of Cangrelor Impurity 10?

There are three fluorine atoms in the molecular formula of Cangrelor Impurity 10.

What is the total number of atoms in the molecular formula of Cangrelor Impurity 10?

The molecular formula of Cangrelor Impurity 10 contains a total of 32 atoms.

What is the potential use of Cangrelor Impurity 10 in research or industry?

Cangrelor Impurity 10 may be used as a reference material or analytical standard in the pharmaceutical industry.

How does the molecular structure of Cangrelor Impurity 10 contribute to its properties or reactivity?

The presence of specific atoms like sulfur and fluorine in the molecular structure of Cangrelor Impurity 10 could influence its chemical properties and reactivity.

What precautions should be taken when handling or storing Cangrelor Impurity 10 due to its molecular composition?

Given its chemical composition, proper storage and handling procedures should be followed to ensure the safety and integrity of Cangrelor Impurity 10.

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