Captopril EP Impurity J

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight259.32
Molecular FormulaC11H17NO4S

What is the product name for CAS 64838-55-7?

The product name is Captopril EP Impurity J.

What is the molecular weight of Captopril EP Impurity J?

The molecular weight is 259.32.

What is the molecular formula of Captopril EP Impurity J?

The molecular formula is C11H17NO4S.

What is the structure of Captopril EP Impurity J based on its molecular formula?

The structure includes 11 carbon atoms, 17 hydrogen atoms, 1 nitrogen atom, 1 oxygen atom, and 1 sulfur atom.

What is the significance of Captopril EP Impurity J?

Captopril EP Impurity J is an impurity that may be present in captopril drug substances or drug products.

How is Captopril EP Impurity J identified in pharmaceutical analysis?

Captopril EP Impurity J is identified through analytical techniques such as HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) and MS (mass spectrometry).

What are the potential implications of the presence of Captopril EP Impurity J in pharmaceuticals?

The presence of impurities like Captopril EP Impurity J may affect the purity, stability, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

How is Captopril EP Impurity J different from other impurities in captopril?

Captopril EP Impurity J is specifically categorized as Impurity J, distinct from other impurities that may be present in captopril formulations.

Are there regulatory limits for Captopril EP Impurity J in pharmaceutical products?

Regulatory agencies may provide guidelines or limits for impurities like Captopril EP Impurity J in pharmaceutical products to ensure safety and quality.

How can pharmaceutical manufacturers mitigate the presence of Captopril EP Impurity J in their products?

Manufacturers can implement rigorous quality control measures, optimize production processes, and conduct thorough analyses to minimize the presence of Captopril EP Impurity J in their pharmaceutical formulations.

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