Carbazochrome Impurity 20

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight234.08
Molecular FormulaC10H10N4O3

What is the molecular weight of Carbazochrome Impurity 20?

The molecular weight of Carbazochrome Impurity 20 is 234.08.

What is the molecular formula of Carbazochrome Impurity 20?

The molecular formula of Carbazochrome Impurity 20 is C10H10N4O3.

Can Carbazochrome Impurity 20 also be referred to by its chemical name?

Yes, Carbazochrome Impurity 20 can also be referred to as (Z)-2-(4-hydroxy-1-methyl-6-oxo-1H-indol-5(6H)-ylidene)hydrazinecarboxamide.

Is Carbazochrome Impurity 20 a well-known substance?

Carbazochrome Impurity 20 may not be as well-known as other substances due to its specific chemical name.

How many oxygen atoms are present in the molecular formula of Carbazochrome Impurity 20?

There are 3 oxygen atoms present in the molecular formula of Carbazochrome Impurity 20.

What is the chemical structure of Carbazochrome Impurity 20?

The chemical structure of Carbazochrome Impurity 20 contains a hydrazinecarboxamide group attached to a methyl-indol-oxo unit.

What are the possible uses of Carbazochrome Impurity 20?

Carbazochrome Impurity 20 may be used as an impurity reference standard in pharmaceutical analysis.

How is Carbazochrome Impurity 20 typically synthesized?

Carbazochrome Impurity 20 is likely synthesized through specific chemical reactions involving the precursors of hydrazinecarboxamide and methyl-indol-oxo compounds.

Why is it important to have an impurity reference standard like Carbazochrome Impurity 20?

Having an impurity reference standard like Carbazochrome Impurity 20 is crucial for accurately identifying and quantifying impurities in pharmaceutical products during quality control processes.

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