Cilastatin Impurity 24

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight295.74
Molecular FormulaC13H19ClNNaO3

What is the product name of Cilastatin Impurity 24?

The product name of Cilastatin Impurity 24 is Cilastatin Impurity 24.

What is the CAS number of Cilastatin Impurity 24?

The CAS number of Cilastatin Impurity 24 is 2519489-73-5.

What is the molecular weight of Cilastatin Impurity 24?

The molecular weight of Cilastatin Impurity 24 is 295.74.

What is the molecular formula of Cilastatin Impurity 24?

The molecular formula of Cilastatin Impurity 24 is C13H19ClNNaO3.

What is the chemical composition of Cilastatin Impurity 24?

The chemical composition of Cilastatin Impurity 24 contains carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, sodium, and oxygen.

What is the significance of Cilastatin Impurity 24 in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Cilastatin Impurity 24 is important in pharmaceutical manufacturing as it is an impurity that needs to be closely monitored and controlled in the production process.

How is Cilastatin Impurity 24 detected and quantified in pharmaceutical formulations?

Cilastatin Impurity 24 is typically detected and quantified using analytical techniques such as HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography).

What are the potential implications of high levels of Cilastatin Impurity 24 in pharmaceutical products?

High levels of Cilastatin Impurity 24 in pharmaceutical products can lead to decreased drug efficacy, increased toxicity, and potential regulatory issues.

How is the purity of Cilastatin Impurity 24 verified in pharmaceutical batches?

The purity of Cilastatin Impurity 24 in pharmaceutical batches is typically verified through testing and analysis to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

What measures can be taken to minimize the presence of Cilastatin Impurity 24 in pharmaceutical formulations?

Measures to minimize the presence of Cilastatin Impurity 24 in pharmaceutical formulations include optimizing manufacturing processes, using high-quality raw materials, and implementing strict quality control procedures.

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