Cinacalcet impurity 25

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight171.24
Molecular FormulaC12H13N

What is the product name of the product CAS 3886-70-2?

The product name is Cinacalcet impurity 25.

What is the molecular weight of Cinacalcet impurity 25?

The molecular weight is 171.24.

What is the molecular formula of Cinacalcet impurity 25?

The molecular formula is C12H13N.

What is the synonym for Cinacalcet impurity 25?

The synonym is (R)-1-(naphthalen-1-yl)ethanamine.

How is Cinacalcet impurity 25 related to the product CAS 3886-70-2?

It is the product name of the product CAS 3886-70-2.

What is the chemical structure of Cinacalcet impurity 25 based on its molecular formula?

The chemical structure is C12H13N.

Why is it important to identify and understand impurities like Cinacalcet impurity 25 in pharmaceutical products?

Understanding impurities is crucial for ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

How is Cinacalcet impurity 25 relevant in the context of drug development and manufacturing?

It is important to monitor and control impurities like Cinacalcet impurity 25 during drug development and manufacturing to meet regulatory standards.

Are there any known risks or concerns associated with Cinacalcet impurity 25 in pharmaceutical products?

Further research may be needed to determine any potential risks or concerns associated with Cinacalcet impurity 25.

How can analytical methods be used to detect and quantify Cinacalcet impurity 25 in pharmaceutical formulations?

Analytical methods such as chromatography can be used to detect and quantify impurities like Cinacalcet impurity 25 in pharmaceutical formulations.

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