Coumarin Impurity 8

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight176.17
Molecular FormulaC10H8O3

What is the product name for CAS 531-59-9?

The product name is Coumarin Impurity 8.

What is the molecular weight of Coumarin Impurity 8?

The molecular weight is 176.17.

What is the molecular formula of Coumarin Impurity 8?

The molecular formula is C10H8O3.

Is Coumarin Impurity 8 a pure substance?

No, it is an impurity.

How is Coumarin Impurity 8 categorized in terms of its chemical structure?

It is categorized as a coumarin compound.

Can Coumarin Impurity 8 be used as a reference standard in analytical testing?

Yes, its CAS number indicates it can be used as a reference standard.

What does the presence of Coumarin Impurity 8 in a sample indicate?

It indicates the presence of impurities or contaminants in the sample.

How is Coumarin Impurity 8 typically detected in samples?

It is typically detected using analytical techniques like chromatography.

What are some potential health concerns associated with the presence of Coumarin Impurity 8 in products?

There may be concerns about toxicity or adverse effects if Coumarin Impurity 8 is present in high concentrations.

How can the presence of Coumarin Impurity 8 be minimized in manufacturing processes?

Manufacturing processes can be optimized to reduce impurity formation or removed through purification steps.

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