Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
SynonymsCyclophosphamide Impurity 23
Molecular Weight397.73
Molecular FormulaC10H26ClN3O7P2

What is the molecular weight of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23?

The molecular weight of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 is 397.73.

What is the molecular formula of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23?

The molecular formula of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 is C10H26ClN3O7P2.

Is Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 also known by any other name?

Yes, Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 is also known by its synonym, which is Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23.

What is the chemical structure of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23?

The chemical structure of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 consists of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus atoms.

Can Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 be represented as a simple chemical formula?

No, Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 cannot be represented by a simpler chemical formula due to its complex molecular structure.

What are the possible impurities found in Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23?

The possible impurities found in Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 may include contaminants or byproducts from the manufacturing process.

What is the significance of knowing the molecular weight of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23?

Knowing the molecular weight of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 is important for determining its potency and purity in pharmaceutical or research applications.

How does the molecular formula of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 provide information about its composition?

The molecular formula of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 indicates the types and number of atoms present, which reveals the composition of the compound.

Why is it essential to properly characterize Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 in research or manufacturing settings?

Proper characterization of Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 is crucial for ensuring product quality, safety, and efficacy in pharmaceutical formulations.

How can knowledge of the synonyms for Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 be helpful in identifying the compound?

Knowledge of the synonyms for Cyclophosphamide Impurity 23 can aid in literature searches, communication among researchers, and quality control measures.

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