Dapoxetine Impurity 54

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight234.16
Molecular FormulaC11H17Cl2N

What is the product name of CAS 81402-53-1?

The product name is Dapoxetine Impurity 54.

What is the molecular weight of Dapoxetine Impurity 54?

The molecular weight is 234.16.

What is the molecular formula of Dapoxetine Impurity 54?

The molecular formula is C11H17Cl2N.

What is the chemical structure of Dapoxetine Impurity 54 based on its molecular formula?

The chemical structure would have 11 carbon atoms, 17 hydrogen atoms, 2 chlorine atoms, and 1 nitrogen atom based on its molecular formula.

How is Dapoxetine Impurity 54 used in the pharmaceutical industry?

Dapoxetine Impurity 54 is used as a reference standard for quality control and analysis in the pharmaceutical industry.

What are some potential impurities that may be present in Dapoxetine Impurity 54?

Some potential impurities could include related substances or degradation products of the active pharmaceutical ingredient.

Can Dapoxetine Impurity 54 be used as an API in pharmaceutical formulations?

No, Dapoxetine Impurity 54 is not intended for use as an active pharmaceutical ingredient in formulations.

How is the purity of Dapoxetine Impurity 54 determined?

The purity of Dapoxetine Impurity 54 is typically determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or other analytical techniques.

Is Dapoxetine Impurity 54 a stable compound?

Dapoxetine Impurity 54 is likely to be a stable compound under proper storage conditions.

Why is it important to have reference standards like Dapoxetine Impurity 54 in the pharmaceutical industry?

Reference standards like Dapoxetine Impurity 54 are important for ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products through accurate and consistent analysis and testing.

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