Dasatinib Impurity 38

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight233.29
Molecular FormulaC11H11N3OS

What is the molecular weight of Dasatinib Impurity 38?

The molecular weight of Dasatinib Impurity 38 is 233.29.

What is the molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity 38?

The molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity 38 is C11H11N3OS.

Is Dasatinib Impurity 38 also known by any other names?

Yes, Dasatinib Impurity 38 is also known as 2-amino-N-(o-tolyl)thiazole-5-carboxamide.

What is the chemical structure of Dasatinib Impurity 38?

The chemical structure of Dasatinib Impurity 38 is C11H11N3OS.

What is the significance of the nitrogen atom in Dasatinib Impurity 38?

The nitrogen atom in Dasatinib Impurity 38 plays a role in its molecular structure and properties.

How does Dasatinib Impurity 38 differ from the drug Dasatinib?

Dasatinib Impurity 38 is a related compound or impurity of the drug Dasatinib, but with a different molecular formula and structure.

Can Dasatinib Impurity 38 be used in pharmaceutical applications?

Dasatinib Impurity 38 is typically considered an impurity and not used for pharmaceutical applications.

How is Dasatinib Impurity 38 synthesized?

Dasatinib Impurity 38 can be synthesized through specific chemical reactions involving its molecular components.

Why is the molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity 38 important for chemical identification?

The molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity 38 is important for chemical identification as it indicates the specific elements and ratios present in the compound.

Can Dasatinib Impurity 38 be used as a reference standard for analytical tests?

Dasatinib Impurity 38 may be used as a reference standard for analytical tests to identify and quantify impurities in Dasatinib formulations.

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