Dasatinib Impurity 39

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Synonyms(E)-2-ethoxyvinyl (3-chloro-2-methylphenyl)carbamate
Molecular Weight255.7
Molecular FormulaC12H14ClNO3

What is the chemical name of Dasatinib Impurity 39?

The chemical name of Dasatinib Impurity 39 is (E)-2-ethoxyvinyl (3-chloro-2-methylphenyl)carbamate.

What is the molecular weight of Dasatinib Impurity 39?

The molecular weight of Dasatinib Impurity 39 is 255.7.

What is the molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity 39?

The molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity 39 is C12H14ClNO3.

What are the synonyms for Dasatinib Impurity 39?

A synonym for Dasatinib Impurity 39 is (E)-2-ethoxyvinyl (3-chloro-2-methylphenyl)carbamate.

What is the structure of Dasatinib Impurity 39?

The structure of Dasatinib Impurity 39 consists of an ethoxyvinyl group attached to a benzene ring with chlorine and methyl substituents.

How is Dasatinib Impurity 39 related to the drug Dasatinib?

Dasatinib Impurity 39 is a related compound that may be formed during the synthesis or degradation of the drug Dasatinib.

What is the significance of studying Dasatinib Impurity 39?

Studying Dasatinib Impurity 39 is important to understand the potential impurities that may exist in Dasatinib formulations, which can impact drug quality and safety.

How is Dasatinib Impurity 39 typically characterized?

Dasatinib Impurity 39 is typically characterized using analytical techniques such as HPLC, NMR, and mass spectrometry.

What are the potential effects of Dasatinib Impurity 39 on drug efficacy?

Dasatinib Impurity 39 may affect the efficacy of Dasatinib by altering its pharmacological properties, stability, or interactions with other compounds.

How can the presence of Dasatinib Impurity 39 be controlled in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

The presence of Dasatinib Impurity 39 can be controlled in pharmaceutical manufacturing by optimizing the synthesis process, monitoring reaction conditions, and implementing quality control measures.

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