Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight267.73
Molecular FormulaC11H10ClN3OS

What is the product name of the Dasatinib Impurity HC1016 by-product f?

The product name is Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f.

What is an other name for Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f?

It is also known as 2-amino-N-(5-chloro-2-methylphenyl)thiazole-5-carboxamide.

What is the molecular weight of Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f?

The molecular weight is 267.73.

What is the molecular formula of Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f?

The molecular formula is C11H10ClN3OS.

What is the chemical structure of Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f?

The chemical structure is a thiazole-5-carboxamide with a chloro and methyl group.

Why is Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f considered an impurity?

It is considered an impurity because it is a by-product in the synthesis of Dasatinib.

How does Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f impact the purity of Dasatinib?

It decreases the purity of Dasatinib as it is an unwanted by-product.

What are some potential methods for removing Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f from a sample?

Methods may include chromatography or recrystallization.

Are there any potential health risks associated with Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f?

The health risks would depend on the toxicity of the impurity, which would need to be assessed separately.

How can manufacturers ensure that Dasatinib Impurity HC1016-by-product f is not present in the final product?

Manufacturers can optimize their synthesis process to minimize the formation of this impurity and conduct thorough quality control testing.

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