Diclofenac EP Impurity B

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight265.01
Molecular FormulaC13H9Cl2NO

What is the molecular weight of Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

The molecular weight of Diclofenac EP Impurity B is 265.01.

What is the CAS number of Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

The CAS number of Diclofenac EP Impurity B is 22121-58-0.

What is the synonym of Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

The synonym of Diclofenac EP Impurity B is 2-((2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino)benzaldehyde.

What is the molecular formula of Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

The molecular formula of Diclofenac EP Impurity B is C13H9Cl2NO.

What is the chemical structure of Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

The chemical structure of Diclofenac EP Impurity B is C6H4Cl2(C6H5)CHO.

What is the chemical classification of Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

Diclofenac EP Impurity B is classified as an aromatic aldehyde derivative.

Is Diclofenac EP Impurity B considered a high-purity compound?

Yes, Diclofenac EP Impurity B is considered a high-purity compound.

In what form is Diclofenac EP Impurity B typically available?

Diclofenac EP Impurity B is typically available as a solid powder.

What is the storage condition recommended for Diclofenac EP Impurity B?

Diclofenac EP Impurity B should be stored in a cool, dry place away from light.

How is Diclofenac EP Impurity B typically used in research or pharmaceutical applications?

Diclofenac EP Impurity B is used as a reference standard or impurity marker in the analysis and quality control of diclofenac formulations.

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