Diclofenac Impurity 28

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight253.12
Molecular FormulaC13H10Cl2O

What is the product name of CAS 43171-49-9?

The product name is Diclofenac Impurity 28.

What is the molecular weight of Diclofenac Impurity 28?

The molecular weight is 253.12.

What is the molecular formula of Diclofenac Impurity 28?

The molecular formula is C13H10Cl2O.

What is the chemical structure of Diclofenac Impurity 28?

The chemical structure is composed of 13 carbon atoms, 10 hydrogen atoms, 2 chlorine atoms, and 1 oxygen atom.

How is Diclofenac Impurity 28 related to diclofenac?

Diclofenac Impurity 28 is an impurity of the drug diclofenac, which is commonly used as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medication.

How can Diclofenac Impurity 28 impact the effectiveness of diclofenac?

The presence of impurities like Diclofenac Impurity 28 can affect the purity and potency of diclofenac, potentially impacting its effectiveness as a medication.

What are the potential risks associated with consuming diclofenac containing impurities like Diclofenac Impurity 28?

Consuming diclofenac with impurities may pose risks such as adverse reactions, decreased effectiveness, or unexpected side effects due to the presence of unknown substances.

How is Diclofenac Impurity 28 detected in pharmaceutical products?

Diclofenac Impurity 28 and other impurities can be detected through various analytical techniques such as chromatography, spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry.

What steps are taken by pharmaceutical manufacturers to minimize impurities like Diclofenac Impurity 28 in their products?

Manufacturers conduct thorough quality control and testing procedures to minimize impurities in pharmaceutical products, including diclofenac formulations.

How does regulatory agencies like the FDA oversee the presence of impurities in pharmaceuticals like Diclofenac Impurity 28?

Regulatory agencies set standards and guidelines for impurity levels in pharmaceutical products, ensuring that medications are safe, effective, and free from harmful impurities like Diclofenac Impurity 28.

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