Diclofenac Impurity 3

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight280.15
Molecular FormulaC14H11Cl2NO

What is the product name for CAS 84803-53-2?

The product name is Diclofenac Impurity 3.

What is the molecular weight of Diclofenac Impurity 3?

The molecular weight is 280.15.

What is the molecular formula of Diclofenac Impurity 3?

The molecular formula is C14H11Cl2NO.

What is the CAS number for Diclofenac Impurity 3?

The CAS number is 84803-53-2.

What is the chemical structure of Diclofenac Impurity 3?

The chemical structure is composed of 14 carbon atoms, 11 hydrogen atoms, 2 chlorine atoms, 1 nitrogen atom, and 1 oxygen atom.

How is Diclofenac Impurity 3 different from pure diclofenac?

Diclofenac Impurity 3 is a different chemical compound with a distinct molecular formula and structure compared to pure diclofenac.

What is the significance of Diclofenac Impurity 3 in pharmaceuticals?

Diclofenac Impurity 3 may be important in pharmaceutical research and quality control as an impurity that needs to be identified and monitored.

Is Diclofenac Impurity 3 commonly found in commercial diclofenac products?

It is possible that Diclofenac Impurity 3 could be present in trace amounts in certain commercial diclofenac products.

How is Diclofenac Impurity 3 synthesized or produced?

The synthesis or production method of Diclofenac Impurity 3 may involve specific chemical reactions or processes.

Are there any known side effects or interactions associated with Diclofenac Impurity 3?

The potential side effects or interactions of Diclofenac Impurity 3 would need to be studied Further to determine its impact on health and safety.

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