Domperidone impurity 10

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight255.12
Molecular FormulaC10H11BrN2O

What is the product name of CAS 103784-04-9?

The product name is Domperidone impurity 10.

What is the molecular weight of Domperidone impurity 10?

The molecular weight is 255.12.

What is the molecular formula of Domperidone impurity 10?

The molecular formula is C10H11BrN2O.

How is Domperidone impurity 10 different from Domperidone?

Domperidone impurity 10 is an impurity of Domperidone, meaning it is a byproduct or contaminant in the production process of Domperidone.

What is the significance of the CAS number 103784-04-9?

The CAS number is a unique identifier for chemical substances, helping to accurately identify and classify them.

How is Domperidone impurity 10 related to Domperidone in terms of chemical structure?

They may have similar chemical structures due to being related compounds, but Domperidone impurity 10 is distinct from Domperidone.

What potential effects can Domperidone impurity 10 have on the quality of Domperidone products?

It can impact the purity and efficacy of Domperidone, potentially leading to concerns regarding safety and regulatory compliance.

How is the presence of Domperidone impurity 10 detected in Domperidone products?

It can be detected through various analytical techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy.

What precautions should be taken in the production and quality control of Domperidone to prevent the presence of impurities like Domperidone impurity 10?

Strict quality control measures and monitoring of production processes should be implemented to minimize impurities.

What steps can be taken to remove or reduce the presence of Domperidone impurity 10 in Domperidone products?

Purification techniques or process optimization may be implemented to minimize the impurity levels in Domperidone products.

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