Dopamine Impurity 75

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight195.22
Molecular FormulaC10H13NO3

What is the product name of the substance with CAS number 5663-55-8?

The product name is Dopamine Impurity 75.

What is the molecular weight of Dopamine Impurity 75?

The molecular weight is 195.22.

What is the molecular formula of Dopamine Impurity 75?

The molecular formula is C10H13NO3.

How is Dopamine Impurity 75 classified in terms of impurities?

It is classified as the 75th impurity of Dopamine.

What is the significance of the CAS number 5663-55-8 for Dopamine Impurity 75?

The CAS number is a unique identifier for chemical substances, and in this case, it specifically identifies Dopamine Impurity 75.

What are the atoms present in the molecular formula of Dopamine Impurity 75?

The molecular formula contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms.

How does the molecular weight of Dopamine Impurity 75 compare to other substances?

The molecular weight of 195.22 is specific to Dopamine Impurity 75 and may differ from the molecular weights of other substances.

Why is it important to know the molecular formula of Dopamine Impurity 75?

Understanding the molecular formula helps in identifying the composition and structure of the substance.

How can the knowledge of Dopamine Impurity 75 be beneficial in scientific research or pharmaceutical development?

Studying Dopamine Impurity 75 can provide insights into the purity of Dopamine and may help researchers develop more effective pharmaceutical products.

Is the molecular formula C10H13NO3 common in other chemical compounds?

The molecular formula C10H13NO3 is unique to Dopamine Impurity 75, but similar formulas may be found in other organic compounds.

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