Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight287.58
Molecular FormulaC12H12BrClO

What is the product name of CAS 52123-79-2?

The product name is Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2.

What is the molecular weight of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2?

The molecular weight is 287.58.

What is the molecular formula of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2?

The molecular formula is C12H12BrClO.

Is Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 a hydrochloride salt?

Yes, it is a hydrochloride salt.

Can Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 be used for therapeutic purposes?

Yes, Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 can be used for therapeutic purposes.

What is the chemical structure of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2?

The chemical structure contains carbon, hydrogen, bromine, chlorine, and oxygen atoms.

Is Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 a controlled substance?

Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 may be a controlled substance depending on the country and regulations.

How is Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 typically administered?

Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 is typically administered through nasal spray under medical supervision.

Are there any known side effects of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2?

Common side effects of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 may include dizziness, dissociation, and increased blood pressure.

What is the primary pharmacological action of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2?

The primary pharmacological action of Esketamine Hydrochloride M2Z2 is related to its effects as a rapid-acting antidepressant.

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