Faropenem Impurity 34

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight347.29
Molecular FormulaC12H15NNa2O6S

What is the molecular weight of Faropenem Impurity 34?

The molecular weight of Faropenem Impurity 34 is 347.29.

What is the molecular formula of Faropenem Impurity 34?

The molecular formula of Faropenem Impurity 34 is C12H15NNa2O6S.

How many nitrogen atoms are present in the molecular formula of Faropenem Impurity 34?

There are two nitrogen atoms present in the molecular formula of Faropenem Impurity 34.

What is the elemental composition of Faropenem Impurity 34?

The elemental composition of Faropenem Impurity 34 includes carbon, hydrogen, sodium, oxygen, and sulfur.

What type of compound is Faropenem Impurity 34?

Faropenem Impurity 34 is an organic compound.

Is Faropenem Impurity 34 soluble in water?

Since it contains a sodium atom, Faropenem Impurity 34 is likely soluble in water.

Can Faropenem Impurity 34 undergo chemical reactions?

Faropenem Impurity 34 can undergo chemical reactions based on its molecular formula.

How is Faropenem Impurity 34 different from Faropenem itself?

Faropenem Impurity 34 is a specific impurity of Faropenem, meaning it is a byproduct or related compound.

What are the potential uses of Faropenem Impurity 34?

Faropenem Impurity 34 may be used in research, testing, or quality control of Faropenem products.

Is Faropenem Impurity 34 regulated by any government agencies?

The regulation of Faropenem Impurity 34 would depend on its purpose and intended use, and may be subject to oversight by relevant regulatory agencies.

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