Fenofibrate Impurity 20

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight267.11
Molecular FormulaC13H8Cl2O2

What is the product name of CAS 60013-02-7?

The product name is Fenofibrate Impurity 20.

What is the molecular weight of Fenofibrate Impurity 20?

The molecular weight is 267.11.

What is the molecular formula of Fenofibrate Impurity 20?

The molecular formula is C13H8Cl2O2.

What is the CAS number of Fenofibrate Impurity 20?

The CAS number is 60013-02-7.

What is the chemical structure of Fenofibrate Impurity 20 based on its molecular formula?

The chemical structure contains 13 Carbon atoms, 8 Hydrogen atoms, 2 Chlorine atoms, and 2 Oxygen atoms.

How can Fenofibrate Impurity 20 be identified in a laboratory setting?

Fenofibrate Impurity 20 can be identified by its CAS number, molecular weight, and molecular formula.

What is the significance of knowing the impurity profile of Fenofibrate Impurity 20?

Knowing the impurity profile is crucial for quality control and ensuring the purity of the final product.

How is Fenofibrate Impurity 20 different from other impurities of fenofibrate?

Fenofibrate Impurity 20 is specifically identified as a distinct impurity of fenofibrate with its own CAS number.

What analytical methods can be used to detect Fenofibrate Impurity 20?

Analytical methods such as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) can be used to detect Fenofibrate Impurity 20.

How can Fenofibrate Impurity 20 impact the efficacy and safety of the final pharmaceutical product?

The presence of Fenofibrate Impurity 20 in a pharmaceutical product can impact its efficacy and safety by altering the chemical composition and potentially causing adverse effects.

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