Flumoxef sodium impurity O

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight372.36
Molecular FormulaC12H16N6O6S

What is the molecular weight of Flumoxef sodium impurity O?

The molecular weight of Flumoxef sodium impurity O is 372.36.

What is the molecular formula of Flumoxef sodium impurity O?

The molecular formula of Flumoxef sodium impurity O is C12H16N6O6S.

What is the structure of Flumoxef sodium impurity O?

The structure of Flumoxef sodium impurity O is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur atoms.

What is the role of Flumoxef sodium impurity O in pharmaceuticals?

Flumoxef sodium impurity O is an impurity found in the pharmaceutical product Flumoxef sodium.

How is Flumoxef sodium impurity O synthesized?

The synthesis of Flumoxef sodium impurity O involves specific chemical reactions to produce the molecule with the molecular formula C12H16N6O6S.

Is Flumoxef sodium impurity O a stable compound?

The stability of Flumoxef sodium impurity O may depend on storage conditions and chemical interactions with other substances.

How is Flumoxef sodium impurity O detected and quantified in pharmaceutical formulations?

Flumoxef sodium impurity O may be detected and quantified using analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectrophotometry.

Can Flumoxef sodium impurity O impact the efficacy of the pharmaceutical product?

Flumoxef sodium impurity O may impact the efficacy of the pharmaceutical product if present in high concentrations, as impurities can affect the overall quality and stability of the formulation.

Is Flumoxef sodium impurity O regulated by pharmacopeias or regulatory agencies?

Flumoxef sodium impurity O may be regulated by pharmacopeias or regulatory agencies that establish standards for impurity levels in pharmaceutical products.

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