Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight343.79
Molecular FormulaC10H14ClNO6S2

What is the product name of CAS 2089381-36-0?

The product name is Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6.

What is the molecular weight of Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6?

The molecular weight is 343.79.

What is the molecular formula of Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6?

The molecular formula is C10H14ClNO6S2.

Does Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6 contain chlorine?

Yes, the molecular formula includes chlorine.

How many oxygen atoms are in the molecular formula of Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6?

There are six oxygen atoms in the molecular formula.

What is the total number of atoms in the molecular formula of Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6?

There are 33 atoms in total in the molecular formula.

What is the role of Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6 in pharmaceuticals?

It is an impurity of the pharmaceutical Hydrochlorothiazide.

Is Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6 a common impurity found in Hydrochlorothiazide?

It is one of the impurities that can be found in Hydrochlorothiazide.

Are there any known health risks associated with Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6?

The health risks of this impurity would need to be studied Further to determine any potential risks.

How is Hydrochlorothiazide Impurity 6 typically detected in pharmaceutical products?

It is typically detected using analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectroscopy.

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