Ibandronate Impurity 12

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight353.2
Molecular FormulaC11H17NO8P2

What is the molecular weight of Ibandronate Impurity 12?

The molecular weight of Ibandronate Impurity 12 is 353.2.

What is the molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12?

The molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12 is C11H17NO8P2.

How many atoms of carbon are present in the molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12?

There are 11 atoms of carbon in the molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12.

What is the significance of the molecular formula C11H17NO8P2?

The molecular formula C11H17NO8P2 provides information about the types and numbers of atoms present in Ibandronate Impurity 12.

How does the molecular weight of Ibandronate Impurity 12 compare to other related compounds?

The molecular weight of Ibandronate Impurity 12 is unique to this specific compound and may vary from other related compounds.

Can the molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12 be used to predict its chemical properties?

Yes, the molecular formula C11H17NO8P2 can provide insights into the chemical properties of Ibandronate Impurity 12.

Why is it important to accurately determine the molecular weight of Ibandronate Impurity 12?

Accurate determination of the molecular weight helps in identifying and characterizing Ibandronate Impurity 12 for research and analysis purposes.

How is the molecular weight of Ibandronate Impurity 12 calculated?

The molecular weight is calculated by summing the atomic weights of all atoms in the molecular formula.

Are there any known impurities associated with Ibandronate Impurity 12?

Yes, Ibandronate Impurity 12 is specifically classified as an impurity in the context of its relation to Ibandronate.

How does the molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12 influence its stability or reactivity?

The specific arrangement and types of atoms in the molecular formula of Ibandronate Impurity 12 can influence its stability, reactivity, and interactions within a chemical system.

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