Ibandronate sodium impurity 1

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight523.24
Molecular FormulaC11H29NO14P4

What is the molecular weight of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1?

The molecular weight of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 is 523.24.

What is the molecular formula of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1?

The molecular formula of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 is C11H29NO14P4.

How is Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 related to the compound Ibandronate sodium?

Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 is a related compound or impurity of Ibandronate sodium.

What role does Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 play in the pharmaceutical industry?

Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 is important in pharmaceutical manufacturing as it is an impurity that must be monitored and controlled.

How is the presence of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 detected in pharmaceutical products?

The presence of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 can be detected through analytical testing methods such as HPLC or GC-MS.

What potential impact can Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 have on the quality of pharmaceutical products?

Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 can affect the efficacy, stability, and safety of pharmaceutical products if present in high levels.

Are there regulatory guidelines regarding the acceptable levels of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 in pharmaceutical products?

Yes, regulatory agencies typically have guidelines on the acceptable levels of impurities, including Ibandronate sodium impurity 1, in pharmaceutical products.

How is Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 synthesized in the laboratory?

Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 can be synthesized through organic chemical reactions and purification steps.

What measures can be taken to minimize the formation of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 during pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Process optimization, proper storage conditions, and monitoring of raw materials can help minimize the formation of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1.

How does the presence of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 impact the shelf life of pharmaceutical products?

The presence of Ibandronate sodium impurity 1 can decrease the shelf life of pharmaceutical products due to degradation reactions or adverse effects on product stability.

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