Ibuprofen EP Impurity P

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight192.3
Molecular FormulaC13H20O

What is the product name of the compound with CAS number 36039-36-8?

The product name is Ibuprofen EP Impurity P.

What is the molecular weight of Ibuprofen EP Impurity P?

The molecular weight is 192.3.

What is the molecular formula of Ibuprofen EP Impurity P?

The molecular formula is C13H20O.

What does the abbreviation "EP" stand for in Ibuprofen EP Impurity P?

EP stands for European Pharmacopoeia.

Is Ibuprofen EP Impurity P a pure compound or is it a mixture?

It is an impurity, meaning it is not a pure compound.

What is the role of impurities in pharmaceutical products?

Impurities in pharmaceutical products can affect the quality, safety, and efficacy of the final product.

Why is it important to identify and characterize impurities in pharmaceutical compounds?

Identifying and characterizing impurities helps in ensuring the safety and quality of pharmaceutical products.

How is the molecular weight of Ibuprofen EP Impurity P calculated?

The molecular weight is calculated by summing the atomic weights of all the atoms in the molecule.

What elements make up the molecular formula of Ibuprofen EP Impurity P?

The molecular formula contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

What is the significance of having standardized specifications for impurities in pharmaceutical compounds?

Standardized specifications help in ensuring consistency and quality control in the production of pharmaceutical products.

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