Ibuprofen impurity 4

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight240.73
Molecular FormulaC13H17ClO2

What is the molecular weight of Ibuprofen impurity 4?

The molecular weight of Ibuprofen impurity 4 is 240.73.

What is the molecular formula of Ibuprofen impurity 4?

The molecular formula of Ibuprofen impurity 4 is C13H17ClO2.

How is Ibuprofen impurity 4 classified?

Ibuprofen impurity 4 is classified as a chemical impurity of Ibuprofen.

What is the role of Ibuprofen impurity 4 in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Ibuprofen impurity 4 can affect the purity and efficacy of Ibuprofen drugs.

How is Ibuprofen impurity 4 detected in pharmaceutical products?

Ibuprofen impurity 4 can be detected using various analytical techniques such as HPLC or GC-MS.

What are the potential risks associated with the presence of Ibuprofen impurity 4 in drugs?

The presence of Ibuprofen impurity 4 can lead to health risks such as allergic reactions or decreased drug potency.

How can Ibuprofen impurity 4 be controlled or minimized during drug production?

Manufacturers can implement strict quality control measures and conduct regular testing to minimize Ibuprofen impurity 4 levels.

Are there legal limits for the presence of Ibuprofen impurity 4 in pharmaceutical products?

Regulatory authorities may set limits on the acceptable levels of Ibuprofen impurity 4 in drugs to ensure safety and efficacy.

Are there any known interactions between Ibuprofen impurity 4 and other substances?

The interactions between Ibuprofen impurity 4 and other substances are not well-studied, but caution should be exercised when combining them.

How can consumers protect themselves from potential risks associated with Ibuprofen impurity 4?

Consumers should ensure they purchase Ibuprofen products from reputable sources and follow proper dosage instructions to minimize the risks associated with Ibuprofen impurity 4.

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