Ibuprofen Impurity 67

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight192.26
Molecular FormulaC12H16O2

What is the product name of the chemical with CAS 1314907-71-5?

The product name is Ibuprofen Impurity 67.

What is the molecular weight of Ibuprofen Impurity 67?

The molecular weight is 192.26.

What is the molecular formula of Ibuprofen Impurity 67?

The molecular formula is C12H16O2.

How is Ibuprofen Impurity 67 classified?

It is classified as an impurity of Ibuprofen.

What is the relevance of CAS 1314907-71-5 in relation to Ibuprofen Impurity 67?

CAS 1314907-71-5 is the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number for Ibuprofen Impurity 67.

What are the essential chemical elements present in the molecular formula of Ibuprofen Impurity 67?

The chemical elements present are Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.

How does the molecular weight of Ibuprofen Impurity 67 compare to Ibuprofen itself?

Ibuprofen Impurity 67 has a slightly lower molecular weight compared to Ibuprofen.

Are there any specific uses of Ibuprofen Impurity 67 in industrial applications?

Ibuprofen Impurity 67 is not typically used for industrial applications, as it is an impurity.

What are some potential methods for the detection and quantification of Ibuprofen Impurity 67 in drug samples?

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry are commonly used methods for detection and quantification.

Are there any safety considerations for handling Ibuprofen Impurity 67?

As with any chemical compound, proper safety measures should be followed when handling Ibuprofen Impurity 67 to prevent any potential risks.

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