Iguratimod Impurity 18

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight316.17
Molecular FormulaC11H9ClN2O5S

What is the molecular weight of Iguratimod Impurity 18?

The molecular weight of Iguratimod Impurity 18 is 316.17.

What is the molecular formula of Iguratimod Impurity 18?

The molecular formula of Iguratimod Impurity 18 is C11H9ClN2O5S.

Can you provide information about the chemical structure of Iguratimod Impurity 18 based on its molecular formula?

Iguratimod Impurity 18 has a chemical structure composed of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur atoms in specific proportions based on the molecular formula C11H9ClN2O5S.

How does Iguratimod Impurity 18 differ from the main compound Iguratimod?

Iguratimod Impurity 18 is a chemical impurity of Iguratimod, which means it is a substance present in Iguratimod but in lower concentrations and with different chemical properties.

What are the potential effects of having Iguratimod Impurity 18 in a sample of Iguratimod?

Iguratimod Impurity 18 may affect the purity and stability of Iguratimod, potentially leading to variations in its therapeutic effects or safety profile.

How is Iguratimod Impurity 18 detected and quantified in Iguratimod samples?

Iguratimod Impurity 18 can be detected and quantified using analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectroscopy.

Are there regulations or guidelines regarding the acceptable levels of Iguratimod Impurity 18 in Iguratimod products?

Regulatory bodies may establish limits on the levels of Iguratimod Impurity 18 allowed in Iguratimod to ensure product quality and safety.

Can Iguratimod Impurity 18 be intentionally added to Iguratimod formulations for any specific purposes?

Iguratimod Impurity 18 is considered an undesirable substance in Iguratimod products and should not be intentionally added for any specific purposes.

What are the potential sources of Iguratimod Impurity 18 in Iguratimod manufacturing processes?

Iguratimod Impurity 18 may arise as a byproduct of Iguratimod synthesis or due to degradation processes during storage or handling.

How can the presence of Iguratimod Impurity 18 be minimized in Iguratimod production?

Stringent quality control measures and purification processes can be employed to minimize the presence of Iguratimod Impurity 18 in Iguratimod formulations.

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